In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the Los Angeles Rams to the table for discussion. Jared Schaller had returned to assist in the choosing of the players on the Mount Rushmore. Now Jared hasn't been on an episode in a hot minute. We needed an extra brain from an ex- Rams fan because the Rams have so many Hall of Famers to choose from. This is Schaller's second football episode appearance so I hope he remembers how things go because I don't have the time or the effort to string him around with my massive sports knowledge to help him through the episode like I always do. When I say I I mean the tech guy just to clarify things. So tune into this weeks episode to see if Jared can put together a complete thought or does the tech guy have to carry Schaller on his back like always. Enjoy the episode.
In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the Los Angeles Rams to the table for discussion.