Sports the NEMO way

MLB's Mount Rushmore Series: Arizona Diamondbacks

Episode Summary

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the best of the Arizona Diamondbacks to the table for discussion. Now what can i say about Arizona well it's humid and hot AF. I went to Phoenix one year for Wrestlemania, and holy crap I was sweating walking from the parking lot to the Arizona Cardinals stadium. That shit was in April. I'm from Missouri we don't get that here some years we be wearing stocking caps and gloves and It might of just snowed. The stadium was legit though I'll give you props on that. Another thing never go on a trip with a dude with a girlfriend because we hit up a mall for some reason, and we went to a book store two chicks were down to hang with us, and I cannot remember how it went down exactly but ending of the story these girls did not come back to the hotel. I was kinda pissed actually I was hella mad internally because these chicks were very attractive, but it was his car though so I had to stay composed because I was not trying to get left in Phoenix over some random one nighters. Anyway there is a Phoenix story if you were hoping for something else well too bad so sad now go listen to the episode.

Episode Notes

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the best of the Arizona Diamondbacks to the table for discussion.