Sports the NEMO way

MLB's Mount Rushmore Series: New York Yankees

Episode Summary

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the Mount Rushmore of the New York Yankees to the table for discussion. The premier episode of the new series, and we're starting off with everyone's most favorite team to hate on the Yankees. I mean why not they are the Yankees. Partially because the Red sox owner was a dumbass and sold Babe for a hundred thousand dollars for some dumb ass Broadway play. Along with 27 world series why the hell would you want to root for them. The only time I liked the Yankees were probably the times on Seinfeld where they made the Yankees a parody of themselves. Especially when George Steinbrenner looked like a crazy psychopath those were some good episodes. Anyway good luck this year you're looking real trashy again anyway on to trivia. Here you go Lenae good luck : The record for most career games with 7 or more RBIs is 9. Who holds it? Have fun, have a listen and gooooooo Yan... nevermind no one says go Yankees.

Episode Notes

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the Mount Rushmore of the New York Yankees to the table for discussion.