Sports the NEMO way

MLB's Mount Rushmore Series: Tampa Bay Rays

Episode Summary

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the best Tampa Bay Rays Mount Rushmore to the table for discussion. Lets start off with they used to be called the Devil Rays. Then they started to go by just the "Rays" with a logo that had their name Rays of course but then they added a shape that resembles an asterisk with a golden outline what kind of lame ass shit is that. You went from a cool little sea creature to a shape that looks like a lens flare. Come the hell on you idiots. whoever thought that was such a great idea need to stay out the club for about a week. Anyway Tampa has a short history compared to some other franchises in the league, but they still had some great players walk through the door so get ready to press that play button, and educate yourself about the Rays. Now on to Trivia: Who was the last Orioles player before Gunnar Henderson with four extra-base hits in one game? Good Luck Lenae I hope you're still doing the trivia because I checked the email the other day and it's been a minute.

Episode Notes

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the best Tampa Bay Rays Mount Rushmore to the table for discussion.