Sports the NEMO way

MLB's Mount Rushmore Series: Texas Rangers

Episode Summary

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the best Texas Rangers to the table for discussion. Texas Rangers we won't talk about in this episode is Jared Padalecki who played a rebooted Walker Texas Ranger. We also will not bring up Chuck Norris as Walker Texas Ranger the original. Even though there are many many Chuck Norris jokes he is also excluded. Power Rangers are also excluded from this episode. We will just be focusing on the baseball team. Since this is a team located in Texas I had to be very specific because I know how Cowboy fans act. What I mean by that is that they are delusional about how good their team and players are so I had to make things clear specifically for them. With that said The Rangers had some pretty great players, and since you're a sports fan obviously because you're here It would be who of you to sit back relax and learn ya some Texas Rangers Knowledge.

Episode Notes

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the best Texas Rangers to the table for discussion.