in this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the best NBA duo's of the 1950's to the table for discussion. Before you say anything we know... one handed dribblers , no three point line , Lebron not flopping every chance he can get we get it not your brand of basketball, but without these guys who ushered the way for these drama queen ass players of today you wouldn't get flopping Lebron, playoff choking James Harden so why don't you all shut the hell up and learn some history, educate yourselves, and show some damn respect about the men that started the game that we all love. As JJ Redick has said about these players in the past " plumbers and firemen" we my rebuttal to all that is at least there were real men playing back in the day instead of these whiny ass players of today. So sit back relax and show some respect to some real men. Now go listen to the episode.
in this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the best NBA duo's of the 1950's to the table for discussion.