Sports the NEMO way

NBA Duo's Series: 2010's

Episode Summary

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the best NBA duo's of the 2010's to the table for discussion. What happened in the 2010's Lebum took his talents to South Beach, and had some epic battles with the Pacers. Warriors were on the rise. The worst things though was the damn LEbum flopping. I know there has been some very dramatic foul reactions before, but come on LEbum. I've seen The Rock in the WWE give one of the most dramatic over sells of the Stone Cold Stunner by Stone Cold Steve Austin ever, and The Rock almost doing a double back flip back flip when Stone Cold Connects with the Stunner was still more believable than watching Lebum get foul calls. Mick Foley getting thrown off the hell in a sell, and we all thinking he was dead was still more believable than LEbum getting carried off because of heat cramps. I guess that's what you get when you mix a bitch ass dude with a basketball player you get Lebum James. Anyway that was my segway in saying we'll talk about Lebum on some of these lists. Also on another positive note we have a new guess to introduce to you tonight first time on the show so give him so love. Now quit reading and go listen to the episode.

Episode Notes

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the best NBA duo's of the 2010's to the table for discussion.