Sports the NEMO way

NFL 7 vs 7 Series: Chicago Bears

Episode Summary

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the best Chicago Bears to the table for discussion. 7 vs 7 time again and this week is the Chicago Bears. Now I'm not going to be too negative with the Bears I mean they did come up with a dance in the 80's called the Superbowl Shuffle so I guess that's cool lol. This is the holiday season, and this is the day after Christmas so we have a present for you and his name is Robert. Robert is our guest for the episode. Last time Robert was here I think we were talking about how much he loved Tua and hopes that he signs a contract extension. Ha Ha I'm just playing no intelligent person would say that. Anyway hope Santa brought you everything you wanted this year, and we'll see you all next year.

Episode Notes

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the best Chicago Bears to the table for discussion.