Sports the NEMO way

Top 5 Series: Los Angeles Clippers

Episode Summary

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the Los Angeles Clippers top 5 to the table for discussion. Another one of those franchises that is more of a side piece more that it is your main girl. This franchise is the red headed step child of the Los Angeles sport scene, and only really has spirts when it comes to winning seasons. With that said though they have had some good talent to come through town. So get ready for a great episode, but before you click play lets do some trivia: How many first round draft picks did the Clippers trade to the Oklahoma City Thunder for Paul George? Good luck Lenae this one may surprise you because it did me.

Episode Notes

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the Los Angeles Clippers top 5 to the table for discussion.