Sports the NEMO way

Top 5 Series: Philadelphia 76ers

Episode Summary

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the Philadelphia 76ers top 5 to the table for discussion. The franchise that had the worst player in NBA history Ben Simmons. I'm saying this just to let you know if you are a fan of Ben Simmons that he will be no where on this list. He's not an honorable mention, not a top 10 consideration. If I could explain this further Ben Simmons is so far down the list that if you would go and try to find his name you'd have to fly to Mars to find it. Let me name drop some players we will be talking about: Charles Barkley, not Ben Simmons, Joel Embiid, not Ben Simmons, Dr. J Julius Erving, not Ben Simmons, Allen Iverson Wade's favorite player, but for sure and I'm just being polite in letting you Ben Simmons Fans know that we will be talking about Ben Simmons today. Now after my favorite thing in bashing bitch Simmons on to trivia:What kind of animal is the 76ers mascot? Good Luck Lenae I was very surprised at this answer.

Episode Notes

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the Philadelphia 76ers top 5 to the table for discussion.