Sports the NEMO way

Top 5 Series: Washington Wizards

Episode Summary

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the Washington Wizards top 5 to the table for discussion. A team that used to be called the Bullets, but since the city was murder capitol or something like that. Can you believe it a city of government officials and there was the most crime. Anyway wrong rant wrong rant, but they then turned Bullets into Wizards changed the color and had some poppin' jerseys back in the day. Then they got lame again and changed their franchise logo again to pretty much match the old Bullets team without the Bullets name. I say all this to show you that this team has no culture no identity and always ends up around last place. Don't get me wrong they've had some great players, but its usually like Dame time situation great player, but no surrounding cast. There is your semi accurate history lesson for the day now on to trivia: What were the Washington Wizards originally called? Good Luck Lenae and just a hint they've been through about 5 name changes.

Episode Notes

In this episode of Sports the NEMO Way we bring the Washington Wizards top 5 to the table for discussion.